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PROYECCIÓN:    En Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente    18/11/2010 18:00    Título original: Klucis
Título español: Klucis, la deconstrucción de un artista
Título inglés: Klucis, deconstrution of an artist
País: Letonia 2008
Género: Documental
Dirección: Peteris Krilovs
Duración: 56´
Idioma: Ruso, inglés (subtitulada)
Guión: Pauls Bankovskis
Fotografía: Andris Prieditis
Música: Arturs Maskats
Productor: Vides Filmu Studija, DD Studio, Vivement Lundi, ERT

A film – an interpretation, a film – a tribute to one of the most brilliant Soviet propaganda artists, the pioneer of Russian avant-garde and constructivism, Latvian Gustavs Klucis. It has been said that he made himself the most famous Latvian artist in the world. His relationship with the rule was the reason for the rapid growth of his career, but it was this very revolutionary rule which was bound to eventually ruin him. The film also displays the ideas, thoughts, and currents of the revolutionary period, as well as Klucis’ love story, which reveals his controversial destiny.
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