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PROYECCIONES:    En Horizonte Cultural    19/11/2010 20:30    En Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente    18/11/2010 20:30    Título original: Les plages d´Agnès
Título español: Las playas de Agnès
Título inglés: The beaches of Agnès
País: Francia 2008
Género: Documento
Dirección: Agnès Varda
Duración: 110´
Idioma: Francés
Guión: Agnès Varda
Productor: Arte France Cinéma, Canal +

Back to beaches that marked her life, Agnès Varda invents a kind of self documentary. Agnès is placed in the middle of excerpts from her films, images and reports. We share with humor and emotion her beginnings as a theatre photographer and then as innovative filmmaker in the fifties. Her life with Jacques Demy, commitment to feminism, trips to Cuba, China and the United States, her career as an independent producer, family life and passion for beaches.
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