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Título original: Al revés Título español: Al revés Título inglés: The other way around País: España, México 2013 Género: Ficción experimental Dirección: Eliseo de Pablos Duración: 105´ Idioma: Español Guión: Eliseo de Pablos Reparto: Jessica Durán, Indira Lysbeth Rivera, Dylan Buchowski Fotografía: Fernando Corona Música: Productor: Universidad de Guanajuato, elArte.ideas Premios:
SYNOPSIS: The plot of the film centers around five young people who come to the city after being reincarnated from mummies. They want to integrate into society, but do not know in what place, in what situation, or what kind of person. So they decide to see what models there are from which to choose. They look for different types of people - social losers and winners - from whom they try to steal stories that enable them to discern the different social options. Various ways of interacting emerge, depending on the approach adopted and they find that there are other types of social models, apart from winners and losers: the humanists, those who advocate their own personal values, ethics, sensitivity, friendship and emotion.