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PROYECCIÓN:    En Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente    20/11/2010 20:30    Título original: Malagasy Gospel
Título español: Malagasy Gospel
Título inglés: Malagasy Gospel
País: España 2009
Género: Documental
Dirección: Graciela de Pablos, Carlos Esbert, Virginia Camino y Alvaro Lagos
Duración: 90´
Idioma: Castellano
Productor: Artika Films

MALAGASY GOSPEL tells the story of a unique experience. Fifteen blind children and fifteen girls who had suffered child exploitation in the south of Madagascar, leave their country for the first time as part of a concert tour taking them to over 20 different locations in Spain in an effort to demand children’s fundamental rights. Malagasy Gospel is also an encounter with the children’s routing in Madagascar, where music is the best way to look after each other.
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