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PROYECCIÓN:    En Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente    20/11/2010 18:00    Título original: La Mirada de Ouka Leele
Título español: La Mirada de Ouka Leele
Título inglés: La Mirada de Ouka Leele
País: España 2009
Género: Documental
Dirección: Rafael Gordon
Duración: 117´
Idioma: Castellano
Guión: Rafael Gordon
Fotografía: Julio Madurga
Música: Jorge Magaz, Eva Gancedo
Productor: Sergio García de Leániz

Filmed over five years. A unique document of the creative work of the most representative artist of her generation. Painter (in the film she makes a 240m mural), and photographer of icons that reflect everything that carries the human spirit. Life and thought of an essential artist and creator over three decades of internationally recognized work worthy of the National Photography Prize. La Mirada de Ouka Leele is the story of how the creativity of a genius develops, her passion and mental struggle, painting and photography. Art and life, united by effort, talent and beauty of a creator in eternal struggle.
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